Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kenduri and a whole lotta laughs :D

Yesterday, out of the blue, my aunt decides to throw a kenduri for my arwah atuk on my mum's side.

There wasn't a lot of activity since like my mom, my aunt is a one woman army.
All I had to do was carry the folded and unfolded clothes into the room.

Anyway moving on,
After the men finished reading Yassin, they were ready to eat. But basically, someone forgot to cook rice. By the time the rice was cooked everyone was pretty hungry.
Before that the men busied themselves talking and the women did the same. Along with admiring the babies! OMG, i loooove my nephews. They're amazingly adorable.

Ayrique is very hyper but he is still nice. Tapi kedekut juga budak tu. What to do right? He's an only child and hasn't learnt to share yet. Haha.

Shafiee/Syafie (I'm not sure how to spell his name)
He is ADORABLE. Big eyes and a cheekiness around women ;)
And he's soo sweet. He just gives all the toys back to Ayrique whenever Ayrique starts getting bossy.

Moving on to the food that my aunty made in the shortest amount of time.
UH-MAY-ZING. love love love love love. My favourite was the curried pineapples. Yum.

After eating, we all sat around for the conversation that must follow good food. My aunt was trying to 'spread' the air conditioning around the room by windmilling her arms. Silly lady.

Later on, my aunties kept asking me to call up mum to make her jealous (they're such kids XD) so I went to get my phone but it couldn't work for 3G but my cousin Nadia leant me hers and it was so nice to see mum's face properly and being able to move around. I dunno, 3G just feels more natural compared to Skype.
Basically my aunt grabbed the phone and went around introducing everyone who was present but with superstar names. We had Angelina Jolie (my grandma), Brad Pitt, Tom Kurus, Jackie Chan and etc. It was a whole load of laughs and it was nice to sort of have mum there.

Ayrique's face when he saw mum on 3G was hilarious. He was confused and not sure how to react.

Even after almost everyone left we didn't really end because Nadrah ordered pizza and Zani was around so we were basically talking and we showed him Big Bang Theory. Slept around 12 since I was so tired and the guys were watching football and here I am now.

It's hard to describe everything and make it a short post. I think I'll just make a Vlog next time to make it easier if it's a really long and amazing day. I miss making Vlogs.

Ciao bella

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