Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bonjour! Comment allez vous?

So here I am again.

I've rather missed blogging. I write in a journal now. But not that often & sometimes I feel silly because you wonder "What would this look like when I look back on this?".

But you know what? I have just looked back on my old blog posts and I realize how amazing and lucky I was to be able to express my feelings and thoughts of those moments in my life. Seriously, it brought tears to my eyes.

I've been feeling sort of down lately. And I've been beating the feeling back but it's a hard battle within myself. But looking back on these posts and some of my chatbox comments, I realize how lucky I've been.
I've realized that there are/were people who care and I've recalled the happy times. But all this nostalgia is a little bit scary because it's putting me back in a vulnerable place.

Anyway, how much time has past! There was that one post about being honoured to have Chef Jochern as my Head of School & now HE IS! So yes I've started college.
And then there was that post about going back to Sabah to do my license which never happened btw. And the posts while I was in Sabah which seem so long ago even though it was only less than half a year ago.

This place really is for posterity. I hope I can keep adding to it :)

Yours truly,

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